The Coomera State Special School opened at the start of 2022 for Preps to Year 12. The school believes ‘every child can learn and succeed’ when provided with a quality education catering to their individual needs.
Their amazing new facility is open to students with an intellectual disability, as well as catering for students with multiple impairments. They are driven by their school philosophy that embraces the challenges of student learning
in a positive, fun and nurturing environment where all students can communicate their needs, wants and individual personality!
As one of the newest members within our community, their priority is to build strong and meaningful partnerships with local community members and business partners. Allowing their students to engage with our local community and
for our community to get to know and champion their students!
Our club is aiming to assist the school to purchase their first fleet of buses. The flexibility this offers their students is unlimited! It allows the team to easily transport any of their students to a variety of programs outside
of the school setting. Experiences that benefit the students in confidence building, life skills and Australian Curriculum outcomes.
A suitable bus for the students is a 12 seater commuter van with removable back seats and a wheelchair hoist. An approximate cost would be $80,000 for a new vehicle. Our initial dream is two commuter buses and we have
already secured the first one (see progress details below)!

Progress & Donations
We secured the first bus for the school in late 2022! The official launch was held on 10 February 2023 and you can check out the launch media below. We were extremely lucky to be able to secure a high quality used vehicle that
was already fully fitted out and fit for purpose and helped us reach our goal at just the right time. We are now keenly working on strategies for the second bus!
The project is now nearly complete with the second bus ordered and nearing delivery!
of $60,000
of $80,000